President Colin Milroy & VP Robert McCulloch presenting a wonderful cheque for £3600 to Elaine from Ayrshire Hospice. This has been raised throughout the season by many means of raffles, donations and kindness given by players & supporters. Colin would like to thank everyone who kindly donated and sponsored throughout the season for this well deserved charity. |
Slideshow from the Ayrshire Finals - Afternoon session.
Slideshow from the Ayrshire Finals - Morning session. (Seniors & U16's)
New Honorary President and Honorary Vice President
The Ayrshire bowling association and wider bowling family sadly lost David Houston recently. David was a long term director of the Association and ex president, however he served as secretary for many years and without doubt, the Association was in safe hands with Davids guidance. Following his time served, David was elected as Honorary president, a role he was honoured to accept. David will always be fondly remembered by many.
In 2024 the directors unanimously voted on as our new Honorary president Fred Winters. Fred again having served for many years as a director and ex president and also a long term sponsor with Jack High insurance. Fred was delighted to accept and remains active at meetings and supporting the current board with his knowledge.
The end of the 2024 season seen William (Buff) Alexander step down as a director and East district secretary after many years. Buff has dedicated many years to the association and now deserves to relax. However it's not in his nature. So the directors have appointed Buff as Honorary vice president, which will ensure we retain Buffs extensive experience and hope he can enjoy his time as Honorary VP.
The Ayrshire bowling association and wider bowling family sadly lost David Houston recently. David was a long term director of the Association and ex president, however he served as secretary for many years and without doubt, the Association was in safe hands with Davids guidance. Following his time served, David was elected as Honorary president, a role he was honoured to accept. David will always be fondly remembered by many.
In 2024 the directors unanimously voted on as our new Honorary president Fred Winters. Fred again having served for many years as a director and ex president and also a long term sponsor with Jack High insurance. Fred was delighted to accept and remains active at meetings and supporting the current board with his knowledge.
The end of the 2024 season seen William (Buff) Alexander step down as a director and East district secretary after many years. Buff has dedicated many years to the association and now deserves to relax. However it's not in his nature. So the directors have appointed Buff as Honorary vice president, which will ensure we retain Buffs extensive experience and hope he can enjoy his time as Honorary VP.
Final scoring from Championship Finals at Troon BC on Sat 12th Aug
Please Note,
Gordon Forrest replaced Robert Thomson in in the Coylton Fours.
Gordon Forrest replaced Robert Thomson in in the Coylton Fours.
Congratulations to Ayrshire North who are this seasons AHT Winners, Beating Midlothian in the Final 122 - 101
Slideshow of Presentation & Team.
Scotland Under 25's & Youth
Under 25's Nominations
If any Club wishes to nominate any under 25's player for this season, please get in touch with me or any Director in your District.
If any Club wishes to nominate any under 25's player for this season, please get in touch with me or any Director in your District.
Congratulations to Colin Milroy Troon (ABA President 2023) and Robert McCulloch - Lugar (Vice President 2023) who were duly elected at the recent AGM.
We wish them both a succesful season for 2023
We wish them both a succesful season for 2023
Glasgow v Ayrshire Presentation at North West Bowling Club, Sat 24th Sept. ABA President Charles Johnston, GBA President William Clark, ABA Secretary Erik Smart & GBA Secretary Jim Ryan.
Congratulations to North West on winning the Eglinton Jug & our thanks to North West President Gordon Maybon, his Committee & everyone from the club who was involved on the day to make the day run smoothly. An excellent day all round, Congratulations once again and well done.
Congratulations to North West on winning the Eglinton Jug & our thanks to North West President Gordon Maybon, his Committee & everyone from the club who was involved on the day to make the day run smoothly. An excellent day all round, Congratulations once again and well done.
Im pleased to announce that the Presidents Charity this season collected a wonderful amount of £1670.41 which was donated to North Ayrshire Cancer Care. President Charles would like to thank everyone who donated throughout the season.
AWBA v Gents ABA at Troon BC on Monday 5th September
George Miller (Centre) proudly showing off his Commonwealth Gold Medal
George Miller (Centre) proudly showing off his Commonwealth Gold Medal